How To Use Diatomaceous Earth [Garden Saving Guide]

how to use diatomaceous earth

How To Use Diatomaceous Earth

Last updated: 07/08/22

Pests can be a big problem in your garden. Using chemical pesticides to remove them may not be the best option.

Certain chemical fertilizers have been suspected of causing various adverse health effects such as chemical poisoning, hypertension, strokes, kidney failure, and cancer.

The great thing is there are natural options you can use to control some of these troublesome pests. Using diatomaceous earth in the garden can is an excellent alternative to using chemical fertilizer. 

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Tips For Fertilizer For Rhubarb

fertilizer for rhubarb

Fertilizer For Rhubarb Beginner Tips

Last updated: 06/04/21

Rhubarb is a nutritious, easy-to-grow vegetable that is famous for its edible red, pink, or greenish stalks and is often used in tarts, jams, and pies like the strawberry-rhubarb pie. The red stalks are more popular in pies compared to the green stalks with their slightly grayish color when cooked.

Rhubarb is a perennial vegetable that can grow its edible stalks for many years. It grows easily and you can easily have a Rhubarb patch in your garden.

Although the tart flavored leaf stalk is edible, the Rhubarb leaves are toxic and contain oxalic acid, which is poisonous to humans and animals.

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Fertilizer For Carrots

fertilizer for carrots

Fertilizer For Carrots

Last updated: 06/08/22

Carrots are amazing vegetables, and they are rich in fiber, beta carotene, potassium, vitamin K1, and antioxidants. Fresh carrots are crunchy and are eaten raw, but they are often baked, sautéed, or mixed with other vegetables for a yummy salad.  

The carrot plant is a popular root vegetable for every gardener because they are easy to grow and great with novice gardeners. But it doesn’t mean you can leave them, and they can grow by themselves.

Carrots still need to be given best conditions and a nutrient rich type of soil to grow successfully. You can do this by providing carrot fertilizers, regular watering, and enough sunlight.

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Fertilizer For Green Beans

fertilizer for green beans

Fertilizer for Green Beans Tips

Last updated: 6/8/2022

Green bean plants or string beans are popular among backyard gardeners because they are easy to grow, highly nutritious, and tasty beans.

Fresh beans are high in fiber and protein and low in fat, making for a yummy and healthy meal. Sometimes, I even eat them off the vine while harvesting.

Scarlet runner beans are even beautiful bean plants when they start to bloom.

They are a very cheap and practical way of addressing nutrient deficiencies in people. They grow in warm climates and have two main types of beans: pole beans and bush beans.

We are going to focus on how to grow beans the right way and address the questions of fertilizer application best practices.

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Best Fertilizer For Pumpkins [Grow Big Guide]

best fertilizers for pumpkin

Best Fertilizer For Pumpkins

Last updated: 6/20/2022

Ever wanted the biggest pumpkin patch in your neighborhood?

The Pumpkin is probably one of the most versatile types of the winter squash plant. We have grown to love the pumpkin and its hard, smooth ribbed skin with yellow to bright orange color, especially during Halloween and Thanksgiving.

A large percentage of giant pumpkin plants are harvested to become decorative ornaments during Halloween.

Farmers will bring out their giant pumpkins and families would join in the tradition of carving out pumpkins into jack-o’-lantern that are lit-up with candles inside.

Children will be at awe as they see the pumpkin fruit turn into a jack-o’-lantern with its flickering lights as they go around for their trick or treat.

During Thanksgiving, families share a delicious slice of pumpkin pie after a hearty dinner of roast turkey and other delicious dishes. Pumpkin fruit can also be baked, roasted, and made into a delicious purée.

It can also be mixed with salads or made into a warm and hearty soup. 

Ok, so how do you make sure you grow some big pumpkins.

Well it starts with fertilizer.

Are you ready to learn some more tricks?

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Watermelon Fertilizer (Tips To Grow Big Melons)

watermelon fertilizer

Watermelon Fertilizer Tips (Prize Winning)

Last updated: 06/20/22

Over the years I’ve had many successes in my gardens. From peppers and tomatoes to fresh herbs and onions, my harvest has (for the most part) been plentiful. When it comes to growing watermelon, however, I seem to have fallen flat.

Year after year I’ve tried and failed to grow the round melon no matter the type, size, or location. I’ve tried Black Diamond Watermelon, Sugar Baby, and Charleston Gray Watermelon seedlings.

Heck, I’ve even attempted to use watermelon seeds from the fruit at the grocery store.

But learned some tricks from some watermelon farmers and found a few secrets & gardening tips from prize winning growers of watermelons to finally grow a big watermelon plant.

Ready to learn how to grow big watermelons and use fertilizers for watermelons the right way.

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How To Prepare Soil For Planting Vegetables [Black Gold]

how to prepare soil for planting vegetable

How To Prepare Soil For Planting Vegetables [Black Gold]

Last updated: 10/1/20

I’ve always been concerned about making the right preparations before doing anything. So, I took that energy along when trying to plant veggies.

However, one area that I realized came with quite some stress was preparing my soil. I bet I’m not the only one wondering how to prepare soil for planting vegetables.

Well, that’s why I’ve put together this article. Here, I’ll tell you all you need to know.

Let’s dig in!

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Water Soluble Fertilizer | NPK Fertilizers Series Part 2

water soluble fertilizers

Water Soluble Fertilizer | NPK Fertilizers Series Part 2 Last updated: 9/22/20 So wait are you telling me that there are different types of fertilizers.  There are slow release fertilizers and now you add water-soluble fertilizer to the mix. You have to understand that feeding your plants is just like feeding yourself.  Think of it this way … Read more