Best Plants For Container Gardening In Style

Last updated: 01/08/21

I began to have an interest in growing vegetables in containers due to growing up with a small garden & little space, where I had to make do with what I had. I had to use pots and containers for my plants, and this shaped my interest in gardening.

Growing plants in containers come with the need to understand the best plants that are perfect for such. Not all plants can survive the process. 

This makes it essential that you pay attention to your container gardening if you want to make the most of it. You’ll have to produce only suitable plants so you don’t mess up your garden. 

I will let you in on the best plants for this purpose and the care tips.

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10 Vegetables That Grow Awesome In Containers

Many people are gradually learning the importance of growing food in pots. Growing vegetables in containers are perhaps the easiest way to grow food without spending too much. 

The containers can adequately fit into corners where you intend to place them. 

It offers an excellent way for those with limited space to have a garden and grow the vegetables they desire. Growing in containers comes with different advantages. 

Aside from helping those with limited space, it also serves as an alternative where your soil is poor to grow plants.

Containers also make for easy accessibility for people with disabilities. Since the containers are located in accessible places, you can conveniently reach them. 

So, having known the importance of the containers in growing plants, let me take you through the 10 types of vegetables that grow awesomely in containers. 

You will find a comprehensive list of 10 vegetables that grow best in containers.


Beets are a type of vegetable that can grow effectively in containers. They are perfect for small places and grow well once given enough space. 

To ensure they grow adequately, they need deep pots that make enough space for the beets to grow. The ideal pot for beets should be between 10 to 12 inches to ensure that it experiences sufficient root growth.

There are multiple varieties of beets that will grow in containers. 

You can find beet seeds here.


This is a form of beets you can grow in your container. You can grow this appealing candy-striped type. It takes just about 55 days to reach maturity, and it thrives well under various conditions, whether partial shade or full sun. 

This makes it perfect for wherever you want to place it. It not only grows fast but also has a sweet taste.

container garden best plants

Detroit Dark Red

This is also another type of beet which is ideal for limited spaces and can be harvested either as a baby or when it reaches maturity. This type produces 3 inches long beets that attain maturity in nearly 59 days. 

For this Detroit Dark Red Medium Top, there is a need for full sun to grow well and comprehensively.

2. Beans

Beans can be grown on your balcony without stress. They also have an attractive nature, which makes them beautify your balcony or yard. They have lovely flowers and foliage. 

You have two methods to approach the growth of beans. Either you choose the bushy type, which grows effectively on its own without the need for support, or you grow the climbing variety that requires support, such as a pole. 

This variety makes it possible for you to use up and explore the vertical space in your yard or balcony.

You can find bean seeds here.

Porch Pick

The porch pick is compact and bushy, and it grows effectively with little support. They are ideal for tiny spaces and produce a fresh feel. In about 55 days, they reach maturity, and you can harvest them. 

They also require full sun to grow efficiently.

Scarlet Runner

This plant offers delicious beans, and this variety will grow appropriately, even in minimal spaces. 

You can stash it up in a pot placed in an easily accessible spot and continuously picked. This variety is mature for picking in about 60 to 70 days.

3. Swiss Chard

Lettuces and leafy greens are some of the most competitive vegetables you can grow in your container. They grow fast and are quickly productive, and they also produce delicious results. 

They are ideal for tiny spaces, and they grow blissfully due to their shallow roots. 

They are also one of the best vegetables that do not require much sun to thrive, which makes them ideal for shaded places in your backyard or balcony. Chard produces leafy bouquets and it grows perfectly in containers.

You can find swiss chard seeds here.

Rainbow Mixture

This variety is one that reaches maturity in about 50 days and grows perfectly in a sheltered environment. The variety gives off a beautiful texture, and it is as attractive to look at as it is to eat. 

Ruby Red

This type of chard comes with impressive red stalks and can be harvested in 60 days, whether in full sun or partially shaded spot, this variety grows adequately.

4. Chili Peppers

This chili pepper grows well with pots that are deep enough with about 12 inches. They are highly productive, and they are ideal for tiny spaces. They require a warm atmosphere to grow well, and once you can make the environment exposed to the sun, they will thrive.

You can find chili pepper seeds here.

Jalapeno Early

The harvest for the Jalapeno variety comes relatively quicker than many other veggies because they bloom early. 

Within 65 to 70 days, they become mature, and you can harvest them during this period. They also provide good yields, and they are perhaps the favorite pepper for Americans.

Thai Hot

If you are looking for a perfect variety to grow in containers, they come in 8 to 12 inches, and they are ideal for your backyard or balcony.

They reach maturity within 85 days and have excellent yields and harvest nearly up to 200%. They are also famous for being hot. 

5. Kale

Looking for veggies that can form part of your salads or smoothies? This kale is one that saves space and adds spice to your food. The pot that can best serve the needs of these veggies should be about 12-inch in diameter. 

You can have three to four plants, and they would be sufficient for you and your family. They can be harvested weekly as well.

You can kind kale seeds here.

Dwarf Blue

This variety of kale provides beautiful leaves within 55 days. If you plant in full sun, this variety will perform optimally. You should put it in such an environment where it has enough protection from the wind. 

Often, it effectively withstands varying weather such as winter.

Dwarf Siberian

This variety comes out with Impressive yields and produces leafy leaves that are highly green. It can function adequately with partial sunlight, which makes it befitting for your balcony or any other shaded place you intend to place the container. 

Within 60 days, you can get the harvest from this vegetable.

6. Lettuce

This lettuce is perfect for small spaces and containers owing to its easy nature and shallow root type. This makes it ideal for tiny spaces and also makes it grow effectively. 

You can find lettuce seeds here.

Burgundy Delight

I like this variety because of its color and its taste. It also makes for a perfect addition to a salad. 

It is crisp and attractive, and you can harvest it either in its baby stages or when it reaches full maturity.

Its growth is most prominent when exposed to full sun, and it attains maturity between 35 to 60 days. 

how to choose correct plant container garden

Slow Bolt Arugula

This variety requires some level of shade, as it blossoms well in a protected environment. It is ideal for small spaces. 

It stands the chance of blooming in the summer months more than other varieties. It also has impressive yields.

7. Onions

Onions is a spice you want to have closeby. It is often used in food as a staple. They grow effectively in containers and can thrive in smaller spaces. 

You can plant them in containers in your backyard and use them when you have the need.

I like onions because of the flavor they add to meals. They also have impressive yields. They will grow well with a container of about 4 inches.

You can find onion seeds here.

Tokyo White

This variety of onions are ideal for tiny spaces. They are thin and long and white in color. Within a period of 65 to 100 days, this variety attains maturity and you can harvest it. 

This variety is highly resistant and can thrive in tiny spaces.

White Libson

This variety is space-saving since it doesn’t form bulbs like the traditional onions. They also grow fast and have attractive yields. 

As such, you can plant them in small spaces and expect harvests of the young ones in about 60 days. 

For the more mature ones, it takes about 120 days. This variety also grows effectively in full sun.

8. Radishes

This vegetable is known for its ability to grow even in the tiniest spaces. You can place the seeds in a container and provide a healthy and protected environment, and expect it to blossom well.

You can find radish seeds here.

Solaris Hybrid

This variety comes out with round radishes, and its results last all year long. This variety produces at a fast rate. 

Within 25 days, it attains maturity, and you can harvest them to enjoy. To ensure that the veggie is adequately maximized, ensure it is exposed to full sun.

Cherry Belle

This radish variety is quick to grow and produces impressive yields. Whether indoors or outdoors, this variety grows effectively. It is ideal for tiny spaces, and within three weeks, you can begin to harvest it.

9. Spinach

This veggie is appropriate for containers, as it grows effectively with little support. With a container of about 6 inches, this veggie grows effectively with partial shade and compatible with different spaces. 

They have shallow roots and, as such, do not require deep containers to blossom effectively. 

You can find spinach seeds here.

Bloomsdale Standing

For home uses, this variety is perfect for use. It grows effectively and produces abundant green leaves. It thrives under both sun and shaded conditions, and it reaches maturity within 45 to 55 days.


This variety of spinach produces leafy results and requires very minimal effort. It can thrive under various conditions and on its own.

10. Sweet Peppers

This veggie forms a great addition to your salad and other varieties of meals. It is versatile and can be used for several purposes. 

I would understand if you fall in love with the taste and attractiveness of this veggie. It is crisp and delicious.

You can find sweet pepper seeds here.

Care Tips for Container Gardening with Vegetables

There are care tips that you should inculcate to ensure that you maximize your container gardening.

How to Choose Soil and Improving Your Soil?

You can improve your soil through the use of containers. If your local soil doesn’t support the veggies you intend to grow, you can get the right soil in your container to foster the veggie’s growth. 

This makes it possible to get the right soil for your specimen and get them to grow effectively.

Watering Your Container Vegetable Garden

One of the care tips to ensure you adequately use your container gardening is by watering the containers. 

Ensure you have a regular scheme for your container where you water the soil and the plant itself. This keeps the veggies strengthened and ensures their yields remain impressive. 

It also ensures that the veggies meet the estimated period for attaining maturity.

Fertilizing Your Vegetable Planters

Understand the way a fertilizer works to apply it when needed adequately. Conduct a soil test before you spray the seeds or transfer seedlings.

Fertilizing your plant should be done across three stages. To ensure that you veggies bloom adequately, you have to pay attention to the fertilization period.

Fertilize before the seedlings are planted, which is the pre-flowering stage, fertilize at the flowering stage, and then at the fruiting stage. 

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Final Thoughts

Growing your vegetables at home requires you to understand certain things. Prime among these things is knowing the best vegetables. 

We have told you all you need to know about the best plants and the care tips to ensure you have a fulfilling harvest.

What Plants Are Best for Planters?

There are several plants suitable for planters. This includes Broccoli, Green Beans, Lettuces, Radishes, Tomatoes, among others.

What Grows Well in Container Gardens?

Several vegetable kinds grow well in container gardens. This includes Onions, Kale, Chili Peppers, among others.

Best Plants for Pot All Year Around

Radishes can be grown in pots, and you can enjoy them all year round. It is a suitable plant for pot all year round.

Green Thumb Gardener
container garden planting guide
Jeremy Starke

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