Vegetables You Can Grow Inside

Last updated: 10/5/20

I’ve always wanted to grow veggies all year long. However, this turned out to be quite challenging due to weather conditions.

So, I found that this is possible by growing veggies indoor. I bet you’re interested in jumping in on this.

Here, I’ll tell you about vegetables you can grow inside. This way, you can realize your dream of growing veggies all year.

Ready? Dig in!

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Top 3 Indoor Vegetable Growing Tips

Before you get into veggie options that you can grow indoors, you’ll need to know some things. And they are essential to ensure you can enjoy the best experience when you start growing.

Well, I’ve been here, and here are some things that might help.

1. Make Provisions for Drainage

You need to ensure that your soil has enough drainage capacity. Otherwise, it will not work.

As such, your best bet will be to get pots with holes. Otherwise, you can add some stones before the soil as the drainage system. However, remember that where you choose holes, have a container under your planting pot.

2. Get the Best Potting Mix

Regardless of the plant, the soil plays a pivotal role in growth. As such, you need to ensure you get a potting mix that’s suitable for your preferred vegetable.

Alternatively, you can get a general mix that fits into most plant’s needs.

vegetable indoor

3. Perfect Lighting

Your plants might need a considerable amount of sunlight every day for proper growth. It might also need to remain warm during the day.

As such, ensure you pick an area that fulfills your plant needs. You might need to invest in growing lights. They help you to provide your plant with the required lighting and temperature.

However, where your plant needs darkness and cold, ensure you provide the same.

10 Vegetables You Can Grow Inside

Now, you’ve gotten better at planting vegetables indoors. And you’re wondering what veggies to test your skills with.

Well, there are several veggies that you can grow inside. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you about some popular options.

So, here you go with ten vegetables you can grow indoors.

1. Carrots

One great option that’s accommodating for indoor planting is carrots. With a great pot or container, you can easily get to growing. Don’t worry; you’ll be sure to get a bountiful harvest.

Also, while most people might think otherwise due to its underground growth, indoor growing is viable. Even better, it allows you to avoid the issues with rocky and heavy soil.

They also don’t need so much space, and they mature quickly. All you’ll need is a container of at least 12 inches.

Then, cover your seeds using damp peat moss. This way, your seeds won’t dry out. Also, prevent a hard crust from forming over your seeds. This is because it prevents germination.

As always, keep your soil moist. Your seeds should germinate inside two weeks. It should mature based on your choice.

2. Tomatoes

Another variety that you’ll have a good time growing are tomato plants. And it’s a great choice as you can apply it to a wide variety of uses. From salads to sandwiches to stews and soups, you’ll have great use for them.

The great news is that you can grow them indoors with little or no hassle. They germinate quickly and well.

However, remember to move the seedling as soon as it’s between 3 and 4 inches high. You’ll need a permanent container at this stage. Also, ensure you place them in an area where they can access constant sunlight, as little as 10 hours each day.

Remember to apply an organic water-soluble fertilizer when you move them. Then, ensure you shake them regularly when flowers sprout to aid pollination.

Remember, without manual pollination, you won’t get the fruit you deserve.

3. Scallions

While you’ll have issues growing bulb onions inside, you enjoy the better result with scallions. The great thing about this option is that you don’t need seeds.

You can always replant the root of scallion when you’ve put its top to good use. All you’ll need to do is place it in water, about an inch. Then, move them to a container, preferably shallow, when the root has grown.

You also enjoy the advantage of re-use. All you’ll need to do is harvest the green and ripe tops. Then, you can leave around an inch of its stem that can regrow.

Alternatively, harvest the complete scallions and use the white part.

4. Lettuce

You’ll be wise to start growing lettuce indoor. Not only is it quick growing, but it’s also shallow-rooted. As such, you won’t need to bother about a deep pot.

Another great thing is its regrowth capacity. With it, you won’t have to go through the germination process continuously.

All you need to do is get a container that’s between 2 and 4 inches deep. Then, pour dampened soil inside. You can then begin planting.

However, remember to mist. This way, you can keep moisture within and experience proper germination. Typically, that should take around a week.

vegetable garden indoor

Then, remember to let the plants grow and reach between 4 and 6 inches before harvesting them. Also, ensure you only cut out its outer leaves. This way, the center keeps growing.

5. Bell Peppers

Also regarded as capsicum peppers, they are a great option for indoor growth. In fact, it would be best to grow indoors rather than outdoors. For instance, when you grow indoors, you can do so for a longer time. And this is because you can better control the growing conditions.

Even more, bell peppers are known to regrow. Of course, as long as you harvest the fruits at the right time.

Well, by growing indoors, you can now harvest during the best possible time. In turn, you can enjoy your continuous pepper growth.

6. Mushrooms

Just like some options on our list, the best place to grow your mushrooms is, in fact, indoors. This is because mushrooms need a damp and dark area for proper growth. And you’ll hardly find this outside.

In fact, exposure to sunlight is a problem rather than a blessing. So, you want to jump in on this option if you’re looking to grow veggies indoors.

All you’ll need to do is get a container between 4 and 6 inches. Then, you can place soil inside the pot. Remember to add compost for the best growth.

You’ll then need to provide water and ensure that it stays wet. This is because your mushrooms need proper moisture to grow. You also want to find an area that’s dark such as underneath a tub.

7. Garlic Greens

Another top option is your garlic. And you shouldn’t be too surprised. While you might not have realized, they can grow indoors, and with little or no help.

For instance, you’ll find your garlic sprouting green foot when you place it in your fridge. Well, what you’ll need to do is plant it rather than tossing it out.

So, you get a container that’s 4 inches and a 1-inch garlic clove that’s sprouting. You can then plant the clove inside the container and regularly water it. Then, within a few weeks, you’ll see your garlic greens ready for harvest.

However, you’ll need to wait until they are between 8 and 10 inches high. Then, you can harvest what you need.

Still, remember that you’ll usually get only one quality harvest from a clove. So, begin a new cycle when you harvest the previous plant.

8. Microgreens

If you’re looking to enjoy a hassle-free experience growing veggies indoors, then you might want to try out microgreens. They are fresh and tiny sprouts that you can use in your dining area. Even more, they contain considerable vitamins that provide great flavor and improve your food’s taste.

For you to grow them, all you need to do is get a shallow container, about 2 inches. This works great because you’ll harvest them as seedlings.

Then, fill this container with soil. Ensure you moisten it. Afterward, you can add your seed by scattering it.

Now cover the seeds, although you need to ensure it’s not too deep. However, ensure there’s good contact between your seed and the soil. This way, your seeds don’t dry out.

Also, water your soil to keep it moist. Afterward, your seeds should germinate in a few days. You can then begin to harvest as soon as true leaves, two sets emerge.

9. Herbs

You can also grow your herbs indoors and use them to spice up your food.

However, it would be best if you remembered that herbs need sunlight. And as much as 12 hours each day. As such, you will need to ensure you place them in an area where they can get sunlight. Also, you’ll need to cultivate them at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit to get the best result.

Still, keep in mind that herbs include a wide variety. As such, specific plants you can germinate indoors include parsley, chives, oregano, rosemary, sage, mint, and thyme, among others.

10. Potatoes

Last on our list of vegetables that you can grow indoor are potatoes. And while it might come as a surprise, the fact is that you can cultivate both regular and sweet potatoes indoors. And from scrap at that.

All you need to do is get sprouted potatoes. Then, dice them unto chunks. You can then lay them inside your potting soil. While doing this, ensure you keep the side that’s sprouting up.

Remember that you’ll need a pot that’s at least 8 inches deep. The idea is to plant the potato between four inches of soil both above and underneath. Also, make provision to add more soil as potatoes tending to get big.

Then, after two months, you should be ready to reap the rewards of your efforts.

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Final Thoughts

There are loads of reasons why it’s a great choice to cultivate your vegetables indoors. However, the first step is knowing what options you can successfully plant indoors.

Believe me, you don’t want to plant the wrong veggie and see all your efforts wasted. I’ve told you ten great options you can try out.

So, get planting and have fun.

What Fruits Can I Grow Indoors?

You can grow a wide range of fruits indoors, ranging from watermelon to apricots to mulberries, papaya, strawberries, and figs. You can also try out raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, and apples.

What Vegetables Grow Quickly?

Radishes are among the fastest-growing vegetables with a 25-day growth period. However, you can get salad leaves within 21 days and spinach in 30 days.

Can You Grow Cucumbers Indoors?

Yes, you can grow cucumbers indoors as they can cope within limited container space. However, you’ll need to provide the required warmth, soil, and watering for them to flourish.

Green Thumb Gardener
vegetable garden to grow inside
Jeremy Starke

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