What Herbs Can Be Planted Together?
The sunflower is a plant that is easy to grow, very versatile, and makes touching, caring for, and sometimes planting the seed all real simple. Many people plant sunflowers in their yard because they are easy to grow, easy to look after, and easy to harvest.
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What Are The Main Types of Herbs
There is a bit of ambiguity regarding what is a spice and herb. According to the McCormick Science Institute, herbs are obtained from the leaves of plants, whereas spices are derived from other parts of the plant.
However, some plants produce both spices and herbs.
For example, a coriander’s dried seed is a spice, while its leaf is a herb. Rosemary, basil, and parsley are culinary herbs that are commonly seen in spice cabinets, but their aromatic leaves make them qualify as herbs.
Therefore, it is important to gain insight into the life cycle of herbs before you attempt to grow your supply of culinary spices and seasonings.
Most herbs can thrive in a vegetable garden, just as well as in a dedicated herb garden. However, if you want to get the most out of your plants, it is helpful to have some background knowledge on the many available herbs.
There are three distinct herb types: annuals, perennials, and biennials. Annuals and perennials are the most prevalent types.
Annual Herbs
Herbs that live for one year at a time are known as annuals. As a result, you will need to replant them for a year. These plants can be harvested and consumed during the summer, but they must be harvested before the first frost.
Annuals are great because they are easy to grow and can be enjoyed all summer. For example, dill will self-seed if allowed to bloom at the end of the season. In addition, annual herbs like basil and dill can be grown in a home garden.
The seeds of dill are what give the herb its distinctive flavor. It can be for seasoning oils and bread and added to soups. This herb is sown directly into the garden to avoid disrupting its roots. Consider a location that gets plenty of sunlight exposure and has good drainage.
Basil is an another example of an annual herb.
It is often used in Italian cooking as a flavoring ingredient. Basil needs adequate amounts of sunlight and moist, well-drained soil to flourish.
Start seeds indoors, then transplant them to the herb garden when ready. Basil and other annual herbs can be brought indoors for container gardening and kept throughout the winter.
Other popular annual herbs include cilantro, chamomile, chervil, dill, fennel, and others.
Perennial Herbs
Perennial herbs are plants that can live for several years or seasons. Perennial herbs thrive in warm areas and well-draining soil and return in the spring in areas with colder climates. Perennials do not need to be replanted; they will regrow again.
However, you may need to cut them at the base during fall to ensure they will grow back the following year. For example, mint is perennial plant that returns to the garden year after year, spreading with each reappearance.
In addition, mint is a sun-loving herb and drought-tolerant once grown in the garden.
Some of the most popular herbs you want to grow are perennial herbs. Perennial herbs like sage, thyme, lavender, chives, and mint need not be replanted yearly. These herbs are used in the kitchen as well as for their fragrance.
Biennial Herbs
Herbs with a two-year life cycle are known as biennials. Because they produce seeds and flowers from a new generation after their second season, biennials are fascinating plants to study.
Unfortunately, the plant usually dies after the seeds of a biennial herb have been produced.
Biennial herbs like parsley and caraway develop healthy plants in the first year, blossoming and generating seeds in the second year. To get the most out of your biennial herbs, you should devise strategies for a staggered blooming of biennials.
You can have a staggered planting schedule every year to have a steady supply of fresh herbs.
Providing 6-8 hours of direct sunlight and water when growing parsley is important. If you want a steady supply of parsley, you should plant seeds for a second year and let the growth from the first year reseed the area where it was planted.
Perennial and biennial herbs benefit from a covering of mulch in the winter. In the spring, fertilize lightly to keep plants compact and their aromas and flavors robust.
Before the cold weather sets in, make sure to water and fertilize your plants properly, but do so sparingly.
What Is Companion Planting?
Companion planting refers to growing multiple plant species side by side to maximize the mutual benefits of both plants. You can benefit your entire garden by including beneficial plants in your herb garden as well.
The practice of “companion planting” can provide several significant benefits. This includes pests control and encouraging their garden buddies’ development and general well-being. Companion planting herbs can help each other to grow.
However, you must exercise caution when deciding what plants to use for companion planting. Some plants do not grow well together. Some herb plants should not be placed too close together.
What Herbs Can Be Planted Together
The use of companion plants can contribute to growth, improve flavor, deter animal pests, control the presence of aphids and attract beneficial insects.
Here is a list of herbs that can grow well together.
Chives are an easy-to-grow herb that provides a robust flavor considering their modest size. Common chives have a mild onion-like flavor and can be used as a garnish or topping for salads and other main dishes.
Most herbs and vegetables benefit significantly from adding chives as a companion plant. Chives can be combined with other herbs to maximize their yields. In addition, pests like the Japanese beetle and aphids are repelled by chive plants.
Chives do well with basil, parsley, cilantro, and tarragon since they all require comparable growing conditions and well-draining soil to be successful.
Herb gardens aren’t complete without chives.
There are several uses for basil in the kitchen, including pesto and tomato dishes. It is a versatile herb that may also be used in salads and with diced or sliced tomatoes.
Basil is a good companion plant for many common herbs. In addition, it is a great pest deterrent and repels harmful insects such as spider mites, aphids, white flies, and mosquitoes.
Basil requires well-drained, rich soil and consistent moisture and benefits significantly from being planted near other herbs that need the same conditions. While basil is a sun-loving herb, especially in hot climates, it can thrive with some afternoon shade.
Oregano, parsley, and rosemary are great companion plants with basil. In addition, basil goes well with root vegetables like carrots and beets.
However, basil should be kept separate from rue and sage.
This flowering herb, sometimes known as Mexican parsley, does well in cool weather. Foods from around the world, including Indian, Thai, Chinese, Mexican, and more, use cilantro as a key ingredient.
However, some dislike the herb because of its distinctive taste. On the other hand, cilantro attracts helpful insects and may even speed up the growth of some plants in your garden, making it an excellent companion plant for other herbs. Cilantro can even improve the germination of anise seeds.
Basil, mint, lavender, and dill are just a few herbs that grow nicely with cilantro. It does best on well-drained soil with average moisture content.
However, It does poorly in soil that is very compacted and has lots of water. During the hottest months, protect your cilantro harvest by providing afternoon shade.
Dill, also known as “Anethum graveolens,” is a plant with leaves commonly used in cooking as herbs to provide flavor and aroma. A variety of cuisines, including soups, pickles, and curries, call for the use of dill as an ingredient.
Fresh dill is excellent with salmon, roasted carrots, and tomatoes.
Dill can attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, butterflies, honey bees, wasps, hoverflies, and even the magnificent praying mantis, who welcome visitors to your garden bed.
Additionally, it reduces the risk of cabbage loopers, spider mites, and aphid attacks.
Dills thrive when planted near other herbs such as cilantro and basil. In addition, lettuce, cucumbers, asparagus, onions, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, and other leafy vegetables thrive when planted near dill in the garden.
Further Reading
Sage is a member of the mint family, and its distinctive feature is its oval, gray-green leaves with woody stalks. It is a perennial plant that prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Common sage, garden sage, kitchen sage, or Salvia officinalis is the species commonly used in cooking.
Sage is known for its earthy scent and flavor. It can be found in a variety of savory dishes, including stuffing, where it is a staple.
Since the plant is available all year round, both fresh and dried forms can be purchased. Sage is a good companion for rosemary, thyme, sage, and lavender.
First-time gardeners should consider oregano. It’s easy to maintain, can live for many years, and yields a bountiful crop.
It only requires light, well-drained, moderately rich soil. Once it has been established, there is no need to water this hardy, low-growing herb. Sage, thyme, rosemary, and lavender are some herbs that go well with oregano.
Mediterranean oregano, a member of the mint family, and Mexican oregano are two distinct varieties. In addition, there are other oregano varieties within these two categories. The flavors of oregano, both Greek and Italian, are well-known to fans of Mediterranean cuisine.
The bitter, grassy aromas of oregano, along with a hint of mint, give it its distinctive flavor. It is frequently used in marinades and stuffings.
Mint is often used to flavor dishes and drinks. For example, mint is well-known for enhancing the flavor of tea, mojito cocktails, and lamb dishes.
Plant mint close to its pot or bed because it is a very invasive plant that can occasionally spread where it does not belong. Experts advise putting mint in a separate container from other herbs and plants.
Plants and fellow herbs can benefit significantly from the strong aroma of mint, which drives garden pests, such as flea beetles, aphids, ants, and Cabbage moths. Plant mint alongside cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and radish.
Mint can be used to fend off carrot flies, or onion flies, by planting it near the vegetables. If you’re having problems with aphids on your tomato plants, consider planting mint nearby. Mint also make great container plants since they grow easily.
Aromatic herbs like rosemary can be added to salads, soups, and stews to enhance their flavor. Rosemary pairs well with a variety of meats and fish, especially oily fish, chicken, lamb, and hog.
Rosemary, a Mediterranean herb, thrives on sandy soil and warm temperatures.
Rosemary is an excellent choice as a companion plant. Rosemary, like many other aromatic herbs, keeps pests at bay and promotes a healthy garden. Both rosemary and lavender are Mediterranean herbs that have comparable sun and water requirements so they are great companion plants.
In addition, rosemary is an excellent companion plant for sage, oregano, thyme, and marjoram.
Final Thoughts
Any indoor or outdoor space can be used to cultivate your herb garden. Herbs can be grown close to one another to make the most of the available area. For example, oregano, sage, lavender, thyme, rosemary, and other popular herbs are frequently planted together in herb gardens.
Various herbs require different amounts of moisture, such as rosemary, thyme, and sage, which prefer a dry environment, whereas moisture-loving herbs such as basil and parsley have similar watering requirements.
If you intend to plant herbs in sandy, dry soil, plant sage, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, and lavender together. These herbs are native to the Mediterranean, where they thrive in warm climates.
It is recommended to grow different kinds of herbs in the same location, as long as their needs for light, water, and soil nutrition are similar.
Related Questions
Which Herbs Should Not Be Planted Together?
The planting of certain herbs near plants is strongly discouraged. For instance, Fennel should be kept apart from other plants.
This is because plants near Fennel may not grow properly or their flavor may be affected, making them less appealing.