How Long Do Apples Last | Epic Storage Guide

how long do apples last

How Long Do Apples Last | Epic Storage Guide

Last updated: 01/28/20

Apples’ shelf life is decided by several variables, as there is usually no specific date for its sale, and the only date you go by is the day you purchased or picked them. It still begs the question of how long do apples last.

  • Properly stored apples will last 2-5 weeks at room temperature. 
  • Freshly harvested apples will last for 5-9 weeks in the fridge
  • Frozen apples will last for 9-12 months in the freezer
  • Cooked apples will last for approximately 5-7 days in the fridge.
  • Pickled apples lasts for about 4-6 months if pickled, canned, and stored in a refrigerator properly.

Apples are amongst the world’s best fruit and they can be consumed right from the tree or used in lots of ways due to their minimal cost, confirmed health benefits and longer shelf-life. 

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