Last Updated 10/31/21
I remember listening to my grandfather when I was growing up talking about how you have to grow basil plants next to tomato plants in your garden for good growth.
I never quite understood what he meant by that except that maybe they taste good together so grow lots of each plants in the garden.
Of course, there was no companion planting chart back then.
It wasn’t until I planted my first tomato plants in my garden and experienced the pain and frustration that comes along with all those pests gobbling up those majestic globes of juiciness.
There had to be a way to prevent this without spraying the plants with chemicals (before there was really an organic movement).
There wasn’t much guidance readily available in the Internet’s infancy for the garden.
Fast forward to much later in my garden hobby where there is an abundance of gardening information about maximizing plants growth.
My curiosity later returned after reading about the Three sister’s plants and how they built a garden back then.