How Long Do Strawberries Last | Expert Storage Tips

how long do strawberries last

How Long Do Strawberries Last | Best Storage Tips

Last updated: 02/04/20

When you hear the name of strawberries, you think ​of the roundish fruit that you ​drop in your mouth and savor its delicious ​taste. We get so engrossed in eating it we usually don’t bother to ask how long do strawberries last.

Strawberries are a delicate fruit that does not ​have a long shelf life.

Strawberries can be preserved and enjoyed for longer periods if you take caution about the methods that you choose to store it. 

​Storage Method​Shelf Life
​Room Temperature​2-3 days
​Fridge​1-2 weeks
​Cooked Strawberries​5 – 7 Days
​Frozen Strawberries​6-12 months
​Pickled Strawberries​2-3 weeks
  • Properly stored strawberries will last 2-3 days at room temperature.
  • Freshly harvested strawberries will last for 1-2 weeks in the fridge.
  • Cooked strawberries will last for approximately 5-7 days in the fridge.
  • Frozen strawberries will last for 6-12 months in the freezer.  
  • Pickled strawberries last for about 2 weeks if pickled, canned, and stored in a refrigerator properly.

You will discover the shelf life of strawberries, plus learn some tips on how to make strawberries last longer.

​As always, use your best judgment when trying to determine when something is no longer edible or safe to eat. 

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