Make Your Own Composting Bin [12 Easy Ways]

Simple Ways To Make Your Own Composting Bin

Last updated: 01/08/21

Do you have to spend big on fancy compositing systems? It might not be necessary. You can make your composting bin to make you a rich soil amendment from kitchen and garden wastes. 

The best part of it is that you decide on your compost’s design, shape, and size. Without wasting much time, let’s dig into 12 compost bin ideas common in the garden.

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How to Make Compost: Step By Step [Epic Guide]

how to make a compost step by step

Beginner Guide to Make Compost

Last updated: 12/17/20

Black Gold is what they call it.  If you are doing some sort of gardening, you can agree with me on the importance of compost. But are you well acquainted with how to make compost step by step?

With a small garden in my yard, I had always found a way of disposing of my kitchen refuse and leftovers. 

However, they were always messy and produced a foul smell. I knew of the health issues that could arise if I never found a way of addressing the issue.

Dig in to learn how to make compost step by step, from my personal experience and deep research on the topic.

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Vermicompost vs Compost

Vermicompost vs Compost | Natures Way To Recycle

​Last updated: 7/27/2020

Gardening can be a very exciting venture if you have the patience and stamina to endure preparing your plant beds, nurturing your seedlings and most important of all, choose the best composting method. Why? 

For me, no compost for my soil is like having no water for the soil. No compost, no plants and no veggies. 

Fortunately we have many options.  We will examine two of these vermicompost vs.compost.

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Vermiculture | Composting with Worms Guide


Vermiculture | Composting with Worms Guide

Last updated:10/30/21

Do love to garden on your apartment balcony, but want a way to compost?  Are you challenged for space in your garden area?

You will want to read on as we will explore the army of crawlers that can help compost and transform your food and vegetable scraps into black gold for your garden.

Vermiculture is the answer to many gardeners who seek a way to get beneficial microbes and worm castings into your garden soil.

It is so easy to employ earthworms to help produce vermicast for your garden beds or containers.  You will learn all about the vermicompost benefits as well as the methods about how to build a worm bin.

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