Best Plants For Container Gardening [Veggie Edition]

best lpants for container gardening

Best Plants For Container Gardening In Style

Last updated: 01/08/21

I began to have an interest in growing vegetables in containers due to growing up with a small garden & little space, where I had to make do with what I had. I had to use pots and containers for my plants, and this shaped my interest in gardening.

Growing plants in containers come with the need to understand the best plants that are perfect for such. Not all plants can survive the process. 

This makes it essential that you pay attention to your container gardening if you want to make the most of it. You’ll have to produce only suitable plants so you don’t mess up your garden. 

I will let you in on the best plants for this purpose and the care tips.

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When to Plant A Vegetable Garden

when to plant vegetable garden

When to Plant a Vegetable Garden

Last updated: 6/19/21

I’ve always been interested in owning a vegetable garden. However, I found when to begin quite challenging. I figured that if I started too late, I could hardly provide the vegetables’ ideal conditions. This was also the case if I started too soon.

So, I did some extensive research on when to plant a vegetable garden. Trust me to find loads of useful information. 

Let’s dig in!

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10 Vegetables You Can Grow Inside

vegetables you can grow inside

Vegetables You Can Grow Inside

Last updated: 10/5/20

I’ve always wanted to grow veggies all year long. However, this turned out to be quite challenging due to weather conditions.

So, I found that this is possible by growing veggies indoor. I bet you’re interested in jumping in on this.

Here, I’ll tell you about vegetables you can grow inside. This way, you can realize your dream of growing veggies all year.

Ready? Dig in!

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Best Grow Light Controller

grow light controllers

Best Grow Light Controller For Your Grow Tent or Grow Room

​Last Updated ​7/27/20

With modern technology on the verge in the farming sector, humans have some significant responsibility to ensure a maximum harvest. If you have a grow tent or work in one, you will understand what I am talking about. 

One of the most important conditions you should control effectively for optimum growth of your grow room plants is lighting. 

For this reason, check out our precise guide on buying the best grow light controller.

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Grow Tent Ventilation Setup

How to Set Up Grow Tent Ventilation

Grow Tent Ventilation Setup

​Last updated: 7/27/20

In my first year of indoor gardening, I observed my plants weren’t doing so well, even though I had (or thought I had) put virtually everything they needed in place.

I later discovered my grow room had no proper ventilation system.

After an unsuccessful growing period!

I don’t want you to experience what I did, which is why, in this article, I’d be providing you with all the information needed for a proper grow tent ventilation setup.

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Using LED Grow Lights For Indoor Plants

LED Grow Lights for Indoor Plants

Using LED Grow Lights For Indoor Plants

Last updated: 01/28/21

Indoor growing can offer you a lot of interesting benefits, from pests control to weather/climate control.

By using LED lights for indoor gardening plants, you can provide your plants with the adequate lighting they’d need to effectively photosynthesize.

But how do you use the right type of grow lights with the spectrum your plants need to grow?

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