How To Save Squash Seeds
Last updated: 03/23/21
A variety of squash types are available all year in most places, including the grocery store and weekend farmer’s markets. Since almost all the squash parts are edible, you can prepare various delicious recipes for your family and friends.
Winter squashes like acorn, butternut squash, and delicata squash have brightly colored flesh that is great as a salad or soup. Summer squash varieties such as crookneck and zucchini have white flesh and yellow or green skin.
They taste fantastic when roasted, grilled, or sauteed with olive oil and garlic, and other stir fry recipes.
Even the bright orange flowers from summer squashes are often served fried, oven-baked, added into a squash blossom soup, or other recipe inspirations. There is really a lot you can do with the different types of squash varieties.
The squash’s usefulness makes it more important to save squash seeds for storage for the next planting season.