Saving Watermelon Seeds The Easy Way

saving watermelon seeds

Saving Watermelon Seeds Tips

Last updated: 11/01/21

The world record for watermelon seed spitting is 68 feet, 9 â…› inches.

While saving seeds from watermelons so you can practice your distance is a good way to pass the time, consider saving a few to grow your own watermelon plants as well!

Just a handful of watermelon seeds will net you a garden full of sweet, juicy watermelons next year. Most variety of watermelon seeds are some of the easiest to harvest, store, and grow.

Read on to learn how to save watermelon seeds.

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Best Tow Behind Broadcast Spreader

best tow behind broadcast spreader

Best Tow Behind Broadcast Spreader

Last updated: 03/26/21

For those that own a large property, doing things manually can be extremely hectic.

If you think broadcast spreaders are expensive due to the cost of materials, you should also consider how much you’ll save in labor. A broadcast spreader distributes the fertilizer evenly and more quickly than manual methods such as tossing seed by hand.

Today we’re helping you with the Best Tow Behind Broadcast Spreader.

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When To Pick Cantaloupe From The Vine [Time It Right]

when to pick cantaloupe from the vine

When To Pick Cantaloupe From The Vine

Last updated: 03/26/21

A ripe, juicy, sweet cantaloupe on a hot summer day is so refreshing, but at first you might be worrying about knowing when to harvest them from your garden.

You don’t want to pick too early and lose out on good flavor, or miss the window and end up with an overripe, mushy cantaloupe.

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When To Transplant Broccoli [Right Way]

when to transplant broccoli

When To Transplant Broccoli The Easy Way

Last updated: 03/26/21

As a kid, I always dreaded when broccoli made its way onto the dinner plate. Today, it happens to be one of my favorite additions.

From stir-fry to casserole to a fresh broccoli snack, its versatility and nutritional value make it a top-tier vegetable.

So in an attempt to fulfill my newfound enjoyment of the small tree vegetable I decided to start growing it in my garden.

Unlike many of my other garden plants, it turns out you have to start broccoli from seed and there are two harvest times allowing for a more continuous supply of broccoli.

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Best Fertilizer For Pumpkins [Grow Big Guide]

best fertilizers for pumpkin

Best Fertilizer For Pumpkins

Last updated: 6/20/2022

Ever wanted the biggest pumpkin patch in your neighborhood?

The Pumpkin is probably one of the most versatile types of the winter squash plant. We have grown to love the pumpkin and its hard, smooth ribbed skin with yellow to bright orange color, especially during Halloween and Thanksgiving.

A large percentage of giant pumpkin plants are harvested to become decorative ornaments during Halloween.

Farmers will bring out their giant pumpkins and families would join in the tradition of carving out pumpkins into jack-o’-lantern that are lit-up with candles inside.

Children will be at awe as they see the pumpkin fruit turn into a jack-o’-lantern with its flickering lights as they go around for their trick or treat.

During Thanksgiving, families share a delicious slice of pumpkin pie after a hearty dinner of roast turkey and other delicious dishes. Pumpkin fruit can also be baked, roasted, and made into a delicious purée.

It can also be mixed with salads or made into a warm and hearty soup. 

Ok, so how do you make sure you grow some big pumpkins.

Well it starts with fertilizer.

Are you ready to learn some more tricks?

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Watermelon Fertilizer (Tips To Grow Big Melons)

watermelon fertilizer

Watermelon Fertilizer Tips (Prize Winning)

Last updated: 06/20/22

Over the years I’ve had many successes in my gardens. From peppers and tomatoes to fresh herbs and onions, my harvest has (for the most part) been plentiful. When it comes to growing watermelon, however, I seem to have fallen flat.

Year after year I’ve tried and failed to grow the round melon no matter the type, size, or location. I’ve tried Black Diamond Watermelon, Sugar Baby, and Charleston Gray Watermelon seedlings.

Heck, I’ve even attempted to use watermelon seeds from the fruit at the grocery store.

But learned some tricks from some watermelon farmers and found a few secrets & gardening tips from prize winning growers of watermelons to finally grow a big watermelon plant.

Ready to learn how to grow big watermelons and use fertilizers for watermelons the right way.

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How To Save Squash Seeds [Easy Way]

how to save squash seeds

How To Save Squash Seeds

Last updated: 03/23/21

A variety of squash types are available all year in most places, including the grocery store and weekend farmer’s markets. Since almost all the squash parts are edible, you can prepare various delicious recipes for your family and friends. 

Winter squashes like acorn, butternut squash, and delicata squash have brightly colored flesh that is great as a salad or soup. Summer squash varieties such as crookneck and zucchini have white flesh and yellow or green skin.

They taste fantastic when roasted, grilled, or sauteed with olive oil and garlic, and other stir fry recipes.   

Even the bright orange flowers from summer squashes are often served fried, oven-baked, added into a squash blossom soup, or other recipe inspirations. There is really a lot you can do with the different types of squash varieties.

The squash’s usefulness makes it more important to save squash seeds for storage for the next planting season. 

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Best Garden Arbors Review & Buying Guide

best garden arbor

Best Garden Arbors

Last updated: 03/22/21

If you are into gardening, you have also looked for ways to improve your garden. Over the years, I have received questions on how much of an effect a garden arbor can have on your garden. 

You will love it; anyone visiting the garden will admire it, and if you have climbing plants, they too will love it.We put togetehr a guide towards the end to help you pick the perfect outdoor garden lawn backyard.

Here are seven of the best garden arbors you can get. 

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How Many Lettuce Seeds Per Hole [Easy Guide]

how many lettuce seeds per hole

How Many Lettuce Seeds Per Hole?

Last updated: 03/22/21

It always a good idea to grow your own vegetables, especially with the risk of insecticides and pollution contaminating our food. It’s also very convenient to just go pick the freshest lettuce directly from your garden.

Nothing can beat the crispiness of freshly picked lettuce for your fresh salad.

There are many leaf lettuce varieties like Romaine or Arugula that you can plant in your vegetable garden. You might think planting lettuce from seed is difficult, but it is easy.

You need three things, a container, rich loamy soil, and of course, quality seeds. You can place the lettuce plant in a separate plot together with other types of plants like tomato plants or pepper plants.

These plants can provide partial shade during the hot summer months.

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Top 7 Best Garden Bridges

best garden bridges

Best Garden Bridges 

Last updated: 03/19/21

Garden bridges bring some flair to a garden area.  A considerable number of people are looking to get one. We know choosing the right option can be challenging.

We will introduce you to seven of the best garden bridges you can get and give you some tips on what to look for. 

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When to Pick Okra | Harvesting Tips

when to pick okra

When to Pick Okra

Last updated: 03/19/21

The Okra, which is also known as “lady’s finger,” is a green flowering plant with edible seed pods. It has long been a favorite of health-conscious people due to its high dietary fiber content and low calories.

Okra plant thrives in warm climates.  Here in the South, it is battered and fried to serve with traditional Southern cooking. Yummy!

Although technically a fruit, it is often prepared as vegetables and very popular in South Asia and Africa. 

These plants can quickly grow in our vegetable garden and look amazing, especially when the beautiful Okra flowers start to bloom. 

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Best Large Walk Behind Mower

best large walk behind mower

Best Large Walk Behind Mower

Last updated: 03/17/21

Mowing the lawn was a quite stressful job and what made it difficult back then was the mower. One had to push it to work. Luckily, technology has seen the development of better alternatives. One of them is the large walk-behind mower.

So, are you looking to get one? We are experts on the subject matter. We’ll show you five of the best options you can pick from. Enjoy!

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How Often To Water Pepper Plants [Right Way]

how often to water pepper plants

How Often To Water Pepper Plants

Last updated: 03/16/21

From the common pepper plants that give you snacks and fajita ingredients to the spicier chili peppers that compliment your homemade salsa, all varieties of pepper plants need water.

Unfortunately for me, I had yet to figure out the science behind exactly how often to water pepper plants, and the fruits of my garden shriveled up before my eyes.

I knew there had to be a trick to successfully growing pepper plants, so I did some digging and here’s what I found.

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Best Sprinkler For Small Lawn

best sprinkler for small town

Best Sprinkler For Small Lawn Buyer’s Guide

Last updated: 07/3/22

Springtime is the perfect time to get outside and take care of your yard, and if you’re setting up sprinklers for the first time, it can be a bit overwhelming.

To keep the lawn healthy, you need to have the proper tools, and a significant element to maintain a healthy lawn is to have reliable lawn sprinklers. There are many types of sprinklers available in the market, but you have to choose which one is the right fit for your needs and budget.

It would be best if you are looking for a low-cost, high-quality sprinkler. With so many options you might think that it’s hard to know which one to buy, but actually it’s not that hard if you know what to look for.

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How To Grow Acorn Squash [Beginner Guide]

how to grow acorn squash

How To Grow Acorn Squash [Easy Way]

Last updated: 03/15/21

Just think – this time next winter, you could be eating a home-grown acorn squash smothered in maple syrup. Acorn squash (Cucurbita Pepo) are easy to cultivate with a little know-how, nutrient dense, and store well in cool temperatures.

For the home gardener, learning how to grow acorn squash from seed is straightforward and well-worth the effort!

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When To Pick Zucchini [The Right Way]

whe to pick zucchini

When to Pick Zucchini Squash

Last updated: 03/12/21

I love zucchini, or as it is also known, the summer squash. I know a lot of people don’t like it but I think it is tasty if picked at the right t.

This type of squash is a great way to get more veggies into your diet during the summer when all the berries are gone and there is nothing to do but cook and eat zucchini.

Growing Zucchini squash needs to start from seed each year. The crops of zucchini plants die at the end of each season.  As a summer squash plant, you can pick it all summer long as long as the female flowers continue to have fruit production.

You will learn how to pick zucchini when they are ready to be picked.

Let’s get picking!

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When Are Green Beans Ready To Pick? [Easy Way]

when are green beans ready to pick

When Are Green Beans Ready To Pick?

Last updated: 03/09/21

Whether you call them snap beans, long beans, string beans, or green beans, practically, they are the same. Bean plants are rich sources of phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They also have a very high fiber content that can promote weight loss and improve overall health.

You can put fresh beans with other vegetables like cauliflower, peas, and carrots into a pan with olive oil and it can become a great side dish. You can surely find a great green bean recipe with your harvest. 

That is why it is always a good idea to plant pole beans or different types of beans in your garden. You can even choose heirloom pole bean varieties if you want to. Planting beans can be a very rewarding endeavor

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Seeding Square Review: Square Foot Gardening Tool

seeding square reviews

Seeding Square Review: Square Foot Gardening Tool

Last updated: 04/13/22

Big and open spaces are a great option when you’re planting your seeds to grow. Having optimal space means you will be able to plant different types of vegetables using traditional row gardening or square foot gardening. 

But let’s admit it, not everyone has wide and open spaces to grow. For most of us, there is limited space for a garden and growing vegetables.

In other words, we have to come up with a different method of gardening to adapt and maximize the area of our garden to grow. This would include proper seed spacing and correct planting depth. Square Foot Gardening was really how I leveled up my gardening methods when I first started to grow from seeds.

The garden inventor of this tool, Jennifer, really seized an opportunity to help Square Foot Gardening folks solve the problem of planting seeds on the blank canvas of soil gardens. We absolutely love this simple, yet handy garden tool in our vegetable gardens to make it easy to grow.

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10 Best Way To Keep Weeds Out Of Garden

best way to keep weeds out of garden

10 Best Ways To Keep Weeds Out Of Garden [Organic]

Last updated: 03/05/21

You are working in your precious garden and what do you spot?  Definitely not a garden gnome but instead it is a pesky weed that is robbing your beautiful plants of nutrients & water.

You want to know the best ways to keep weeds out of your garden. Especially the persistent ones that just won’t go away. 

We give you the ten best ways to keep those pesky weeds out.

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Do Pepper Plants Need Cages? [Simple & Easy Method]

do pepper plants need cages

Do Pepper Plants Need Cages?

Last updated: 05/19/22

I have always loved planting peppers in my garden, especially during the summer season. Pepper plants can come in a variety of colors, sizes, shapes,  heat intensities, and flavors of peppers.

My favorites are the sweet and mild bell pepper varieties, although I love using hot peppers once in a while.

Having a pepper garden is very practical. Aside from the fresh ripe peppers available anytime, the colorful peppers are also pleasing to look at in the garden. 

The pepper plant is sturdy and has relatively shallow root systems that grow close to the soil’s surface. When pepper plants are full of plump peppers, their branches tend to bend and break, especially during strong winds.

So it’s essential to support them by using a stake or cages. 

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